Interested in having Bill visit your local school, library, or bookstore? Head to the Contact page to drop him an email and he’ll be happy to work with you to create the ideal experience for your group’s size, budget, and age range!


"Bill Cotter's presentation at the Lakewood Public Library was engaging and hilarious; it was a fun time for both young students and adults. Animated participation was encouraged and Bill's program illustrated just how enjoyable books can be. Young students with a lack of interest in books will change their minds because of Bill's influence."

    - Julie Strunk, Librarian - Lakewood Library in Lakewood, OH

"Bill is a wonderful role model for our young kids!  His visit was full of energy and the kids talked about it for weeks, recalling the songs and stories that Bill had introduced to them.  Larry [the Monster] has become a mascot amongst our students as they are constantly reading and acting out Bill’s stories in class. Bill Cotter is an inspiration for all kids!"

- Megan Sopko, Teacher - Madison Public School, Madison, OH

“A school visit involving a week of presenting to our youngest readers during Book Week is no small feat, but Bill did a fantastic job. He drew upon his experience teaching art and music and shared his work with the children through read alouds, personal stories, music/movement, and hands-on art experiences. Bill’s fun and interactive books were also perfectly suited to our Kindergarten community. The children adored having a real-life author around the school for a whole week, and excited acknowledgements of “Bill Cotter” in the hallways became a common occurrence. He also presented a family session where he was able to share his work and creative journey with the children and their parents together. Bill is flexible, open-minded, and super easy to work with as well!”

- Candace T. Taylor-Weber, Librarian - King Abdullah University of Science & Technology, Saudi Arabia